Enter that dance floor brimming with confidence and radiating with love! I believe your first dance is more than just a memorization of steps - it’s a meaningful capture of who you are as a couple that will last a lifetime. My lessons help deepen your connection, cultivate intimacy, spark romance, and of course learn the moves to dazzle your guests! And whether you wish to keep it simple or put on a big show, my goal is always to help ease your fears and make dancing fun.

Wedding Dance Services

Private lessons are one hour, priced per couple, and includes professional music editing. Your lessons also include:

  • Video recaps so you can practice your moves at home.

  • Tips on recovering gracefully after a mistake.

  • Advice on how to use your dance space effectively.

  • Techniques on how to move comfortably in your wedding dress and shoes.

In general, I recommend starting two to three months before your wedding, although it's never too early (or too late) to take a class. Make lessons your next date night!